CSP Simulation

TEWER has the most advanced software
for modeling and calculation

TEWER has the most advanced software for modeling and calculation, both mechanical and optical, thermal and performance, among which may be mentioned SolidWorks and ANSYS. It also has its own internally developed software to provide solar field efficiency and output calculations, plant production output, energy flow mapping on receiver and pointing strategies of the solar field.

Slope error calculation of heliostats through image processing BCS, distribution of light reflected by the heliostat on the target.

Calculated with proprietary software based on Ray-Tracing, TEWER has validated this software at Plataforma Solar de Almeria and it has been already used in supporting Cobra Thermosolar Plants Inc. at solar field calculations of Crescent Dunes Project in Tonopah (NV).

Estimation of energy flow on receiver under different operating conditions and assumptions for the output of the heliostats, based on:

  • Receiver geometry
  • Layout of the solar field
  • Geometry and performance of heliostats
  • Environmental conditions of the site
The calculation considers different effects such as shadows and blockades in the field, overflow, cosine effect, reflectivity of mirrors, atmospheric attenuation, and different assumptions for the output of the heliostats.

Ray Tracing methodology is used to evaluate the distribution of energy flow in the tower. This method evaluates the energy flow contributed by each heliostat in the solar field. The integration of the entire solar field allows estimation of the total energy flux received by each component of the tower and the receiver.